Police Officers and Prison Authority Employees

Benefits and eligibility

Police Officers

Police officers carrying Police Credentials can travel for free on all bus lines aside from bus lines to or from Eilat. Police officers carrying Police Credentials together with Arava Card can travel for free on all bus lines to or from Eilat.
Police officers can travel for free on Eilat lines upon the presentation of Police Officer Travel Coupon:
  • Police Officer Travel Coupon together with Police Credentials must be presented to the driver when boarding
  • The driver will leave leave a marking on the coupon (part "Bet") and at it's opposite side with a date (part "Gimel")
  • The driver will print and deliver a receipt to the police officer

Validation with Police ID card

D card:

Starting from 8/12/19 police officers are authorized to pay for their rides with their Police ID cards, by validating them when boarding. The following conditions are necessary:
  • Code 35 - authorization to travel for free on any Egged lines, with the exception of Eilat ones.
  • Code 807 - authorization to travel for free on any Egged lines, including Eilat ones.


Prison Authority Employees

Prison Authority Employees can travel for free on all bus lines upon presentation the card that proves the identity and authority (aside from bus lines to/from Eilat )