Accumulated Value

Accumulated Value is a travel arrangement that allows charging the Rav-Kav with a monetary value and can be bought for the following amounts: 30 / 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 NIS. Each time the card is charged, it is credited with a value higher than the value paid, based on the passenger's entitlement. Payment for the travel plan that embody a discount such as a monthly pass ("hofshi hodshi") or a day pass etc., cannot be payed with a accumulated value.

Each time the card is charged, it is credited with a value higher than the value paid, based on the passenger's entitlement. Discounts are given when charging, according to passenger's entitlement. For instance, senior citizen (50% discount) that charges the Rav Kav Card with the amount of NIS 50.00 will be credited with the value of 100.00.

When the Rav Kav Card is validated, the full rate of trip is deducted from the accumulated value.

Actual Payment (NIS)
Student Extended, Senior, Youth
Entitled for National Insurance Fare, Disabled, Student
30 37.5 60 45
50 62.5 100 75
100 125 200 150
150 187.5 300 225
200 250 400 300
Charged Values for Accumulated Value Passes

Rav Kav Card can be charged with accumulated value for the following tickets and codes:
  • Haifa Metropolitan Area: transit ticket - codes 1, 2, 4, 6
  • Gush Dan (Tel Aviv-Yaffo + Outskirts) : transit ticket - codes 41, 42, 43, 44
  • Jerusalem: transit ticket code 62.