Ride with Egged, ride with comfort

We are happy to introduce our brand-new premium fleet in Eilat. Our new buses are equipped with comfortable armchairs, convertable into supine position, providing huge space for the legs, mounts for cell phones, WIFI, etc.

Premium buses are slightly longer then the regular ones, while the amount of passanger seats is reduced from 60 to 42. And that's exactly the reason for larger leg space. Our new buses are equipped with comfortable armchairs, convertable into supine position, allowing you to spend the whole ride-time asleep or watching TV shows on your smartphone. We also provide free WIFI and USB ports so you can charge your cell phones or other devices. 
מושבים הניתנים להטייה ומעמד לנייד
the new convertable seats and the special mount fot he cell phone

At first, only two vehicles will be operational on 990th route, from Haifa to Eilat. However, soon up to 20 new premium buses will enter the service, and they will operate on Tel-Aviv-Eilat and Jerusalem-Eilat routes. In the closest future these routes will be fully equipped with premium buses only, however, in special cases or crisyses additional regular buses may be added too.
האוטובוס ארוך מהדגם הרגיל בכמטר
The new premium buses are slightly longer then the regular ones .

The are some more good news for Eilat residents and visitors - the ticket prices for all Eilat routes will remain the same. Since Tel Aviv and Eilat airports have been closed, and hence the travel time by plane has increased, our new buses provide an effective and relatively cheap alternative to all those who travel to or from Eilat.